Movin’ & Groovin’

I keep meaning to write this stuff down, but I don’t take the time enough to do it, so here’s the recap of the past couple of months, in no particular order:

  • saw the baby, she’ll be here in October!
  • felt the baby move
  • she moves A LOT. Sonogram tech said she “has personality”.
  • learned “personality” is code for squirmy, so we get another one to finish what she couldn’t measure the first time.
  • went to Vegas for a week-long getaway (thanks Uncle Father Tom!)
  • climbed inside the Hoover Dam — what a view!
  • enjoyed the first fruits (okay, vegetables) of our garden with our friends the Bailey’s
  • that first zucchini was HUGE
  • went to physical therapy for back/neck problems. Better, but still a problem.

There’s more, and each of those could probably warrant their own post, but that’s all for now I guess. I think I’ll call that caught up and try to write as events happen.
