Life is good


It was a bit of a rough day, after a series of long days getting the
house ready. Tonight was WoW at Memorial Road, but I just wasn’t
feeling up to worship. I had a talk with a friend about work (he and I
share similar positions in different companies) and wasn’t cheered up
too much.

Then, things got better real fast. Six – count ’em: 6 – guys showed up
at our apartment to help move our heaviest furniture to our house.
After that, they all agreed to a second trip! Even though we’re all
members at he same church, some of them had never met, so it was a
chance to bring them together as well.

To top off the night, I looked in my closet and found two bundles of
freshly laundered and pressed dress shirts!

Yep, life is good.

2 responses to “Life is good”

  1. <html><body bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><div>Sorry, it sounds worse than it was. You taught me to be content where I am and that I&#39;m not alone in my struggle. Thanks!<br><br>Sent from my iPhone</div><div><br></div></body></html>